A Thread in Mappi Region - Part VII...

Penulis: Ratu Atikah, 01 June 2022
November 22nd 2021

It was always started on Wednesday.

I could not believe myself, Eight patriot finished interfering LTSHE/APDAL on 24 villages for a week. Alll of us gathered in our “new home” – Kosan Pelangi sponsored by pak carlos included bedcover, we collected cash Rp130,000/person for maintenance, shopping, water per profile tank, etc. lived together means I got to accepted other bad habits and tolerance for other has comfort in the same time. Some might have no idea at all, but my mother always told me not to act as if I hated other acted towards me (acted in negative way).

We then met om Juanda bosses; Pak Didik and Pak Bobi. They were contractors who cleaned up extreme teburawa around Kabupaten Mappi. We used to wash our clothes, cooked and showered at their home, until they suggested us (girls only) to sleep in empty room in their house, since it will advancing our quality life such as easy access to water resource, cooking plus they have air conditioner. We took the offer, because in kosan pelangi there was limited water resource, we need to “tadah hujan” everyday and once all of us showered in SPBU’s toilet.

The rest of November full of trial and error creative cooking, we prepared Nasi Kebuli, Rawon, Nasi Goreng, Dimsum, Kepiting saos padang, Seblak, Telur ceplok andalan Alvin, Terong Goreng Adit, Martabak tahu, Puding roti, Jagung rebus, Ikan Bakar and Bakwan Jagung, I believed these list will go longer in the future. We also focused on writing November report, some made VLOG requested by sponsored and writing Kabar Patriot.

In a mean time, I have thought of several cringe bucket lists to be done during live in:

  • Learn how to drive Speedboat/Belang
  • Learn how to ride a bike
  • Learn how to used Gun and hunting
  • Plant corns
  • Crocheting as my new hobby (make a blanket for my niece and nephew)
  • Teach elementary student
  • Learn first aid from Learn first aid from nurses in Puskesmas
  • Go to SOTA (0 km of Merauke)
  • Fly with MAF airplane
  • Learn IELTS and get band 7 after PE2021 program finish
  • Tahfidz Quran

Reminder for myself!

At first I felt VLOG and Kabar Patriot such a burdensome, now I’m finished my story it’s already page 7. Same thing goes to VLOG, I was touched when I watched Alvin’s VLOG during our travel, memories should be available to be visually recalled whenever we want, though I am not that comfortable recording others and myself, I need to try harder or at least for my parent sake so they could catch up for what I am doing here, in Papua.